Friday, December 21, 2012

Getting A Head Start

Santa Snail

Being a bit s-l-o-w-e-r, 
Santa Snail sets out from the North Pole 
a few nights earlier 
than Santa.

Ho Ho Ho
Merry Christmas!


Thanks, Brenda . . . 
this one's for you!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Tea and the treat of a book!

Helpful Snail

Thank you, Sandy!

The book I am enjoying is titled,

Cloth & Comfort:
Pieces of Women's Lives from Their Quilts and Diaries

By Roderick Kiracofe and photographer Sharon Risedorph

Online Recipe

The kitchen staff at school served a wonderful treat yesterday . . .  cinnamon rolls!

I just realized this morning as I sipped my coffee, that a roll would have made a GREAT snail photo!
I was obviously driven by my sense of taste more than my sense of snail-sight.

So here is the next best thing . . . a virtual roll!

Sweet Snail

If you crave all things bacon, you are going to want to check this one out!
Here is the link:

Have a good day!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Day 346
Cut paper with repetition.

Snail Quad

I cut this long ago and just discovered it in my snail folder the other day.
There is something about cutting paper that I find relaxing.

IF you are caught up in the busy preparations that come with this season, consider setting aside a few 
moments and cut some paper!

Another option!


Monday, December 17, 2012


Day 269
Create a diagram.

Venned Snail 

Not much overlap.
I have very little in common with a snail:

1. I carry my stuff with me where I go, just like a snail . . . and I leave a trail (of sorts!)
For example, in recent days I've left behind my clip-on sunglasses as well as my avocado green water bottle. I don't know where. 

2. Snails have poor vision and so do I.

3. We both love gardens!


Sunday, December 16, 2012


I found these snails in the desk drawer among our collection of rubber bands!

Rubber Band Snails

The tight little bands in the lower right are the focus of my attention.
They are unlike the others in texture, and line. Clearly transformed beyond rubber-bandness!


This discovery reminds me of a surprise in my sewing drawer earlier this blog-year!

I have the habit of cutting the buttons off my husband's old work shirts before we toss them.
I've accumulated plenty of buttons, all in a little plastic tray I keep in my sewing machine cabinet.

Searching for a spare button one day, moving my index finger among them in search of a specific size and color, I noticed that as the buttons shift the loops of thread that held them to the shirts leave the buttons and travel to the bottom and corners of the tray while keeping that tight little spiral.
Thread snails! 

I suspect snails are lurking in unsuspecting places in your habitat!


FYI: According to you can increase the lifetime of your rubber bands by storing them in a dark cool place . . .  like your refrigerator.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Warmed Up

Day 151
Use crayons.

Stove Top Snail
[on tinfoil]

This process requires a flat stove top or a food warmer tray, foil, old crayons with paper wrappers removed, and caution.

As you slide the crayon across the heated surface you will leave a trail!


Friday, December 14, 2012

In Stitches

Day 207
Use paper like it is fabric.

Stitched Paper Snail 

This photo includes:
a glue line snail on a transparent cutting board,
a photo of that glue line snail as it appears on my computer screen
in yesterday's blog,
and a crayon rubbing of the glue line snail as a stitched paper puppet!

And then there is the image of this post as it appears in my brain via my eyes.
AND the snail images lingering in my imagination as alternative answers to this day's challenge.


What FuN!!!

As a child I was 
fascinated by the creation of multiple images.
I discovered if I placed two mirrors so they reflected one another and I placed 
my hand between the two and pretended my fingers were dancers' legs doing high kicks
it would look like an infinite number of Rockettes performing at 
Radio City Music Hall!


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Day 300
Focus on the sense of touch.

Glue-Line Snail

I might do a crayon rubbing of this!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Day 229
Be inspired by the bicycle.

TwoTired Snails

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Day 182
Work with your hands.

Handy Snail

Monday, December 10, 2012

Word Play

Day 233
Create a portmanteau, which is parts of two words and meanings made into one.
Example: spork with attributes of both a spoon and a fork!


snail + mail

meaning Postal Mail 

No disrespect to the US Postal Service.

It's just that when email came along, the postal service
became relatively slower in delivering 
some kinds of mail.
Much slower!

And, like snails, postal carriers often travel on foot!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beyond Expectations

             Gurgle Snail

This summer we discovered an amazing blue fish gurgle pitcher. 
It brings day-changing joy in the simple filling of a water glass--
a wonder-filled balance of form, function . . . and FUN!
Think low hollow gurgles and an occasional random splash!
[I will not use the word "spit" although it is a better fit.]
You can often hear it across the table and sometimes across the room!

The act of pouring additionally allows you to feel the "rumble" of its gurgles!
Does the water taste colder and sweeter?  
Indeed, it does!

It is a multi-sensory experience that we love to share.


Tonight I was saying my goodbyes [long overdue] to a miniature snap dragon that spent the summer blooming in the little white snail pot. [See July 3rd post titled Today.]

I bid the greens farewell as they began their journey back to the earth and washed the remaining soil from the pot.
As I put it aside to dry the snail whispered in my imagining.
"I gurgle."

Hmm . . .  !?!?

I filled it with water, tipped some out, and then leveled it again.
A tiny clear bubble rose to the surface and burst in a delightful little sound that I can't describe in a word.
And again!
There is no rumble . . .  and you must lend an ear. But yes, it gurgles!


Beyond Expectations!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 119
Create an animal.

Snake Acting Like a Snail
The Best it Can


Friday, November 30, 2012

Life Story

Day 128
Write a 10 word autobiography.

Call me Ishsnail.
From an egg, underground.
Shell all around.

: )    Thank you, Herman Melville.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tall Tale

Day 138
Be inspired by a fictional character.

Gus, the Green Snail

You've heard of Paul Bunyan.
You've heard of Babe the Blue Ox.

Meet Paul's snail!
: )


Book:  The Bunyans   Author: Audrey Wood  Illustrator: David Shannon 

I imagine when we wake up some early summer mornings and find the neighborhood yards sparkling with dew, and again some late fall mornings when frost clings to every stone and twig, that it's Gus we have to thank, and his amazing slime work!


Tis the Season!

Day 122
Make a working musical instrument.

Snail Bell Shaker

as in . . .  Snail Bells Ring, are you listening 
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland.


Season's Greetings!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thrift Shop Find

Day 106
Use something from a thrift shop.

Snail and Turkey Costume

Snail in Turkey Costume


The bottom 
of the ceramic snail 
notes the name of the
 glaze artist as 

The other
turkeys in the rafter
are the early handiwork of 
our two sons!


Happy Thanksgiving 
to One and All

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Last Look

Decayed Snail
Tuesday Evening 11/13/12
That's All Folks!


Monday, November 12, 2012


Day 139
Document it decomposing.

Snail Tattoo
Saturday Evening

I am inspired by one of the artist speakers at the annual AEM Conference, Phil Hansen!

He is the author of the book, "Tattoo A Banana: And Other Ways to Turn Anything and Everything into Art."  

I was really interested in his year-long series "Goodbye Art". He destroyed each work of art he created during that time. It was difficult at first, he shared, but had a big impact on his ability to be creative and to take risks. The process became his focus.

Learn more at his Website:

Decaying Snail
Monday Afternoon

[The fruit itself was featured as Sunday morning brunch
with Peanut Butter on Toast.]

I'll try to get one more photo
in the next day or two.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


Day 118
Use wood. Any kind.

Wood Chip Snail

This pile of sawdust remained in the yard after our trees were trimmed.
(Detail via my phone's art app!)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Day 134
Reinterpret your favorite childhood story.

The Little Snail That Could

Things were looking tough for the train.
It was loaded with all the good things that make the circus a dream come true for one and all who are drawn by the big top.
The only thing that stood between the train and those dreams was a mountain.

It was steep.
It was rugged.
It was impossible.

After three whole-hearted attempts at reaching the summit, 
and REALLY NEARLY doing so,
the big iron engine at the front of the train just shook his head and puffed,
"Can't be done.  Can't be done."

Sadness fell on the circus family as dark as the engine's billowing smoke trailing the length of the cars.
All fell still.
The last coal embers in the fire box dimmed  . . .  then went out.
Silence took over the very air with its void and nil and never.
The show would not go on.

There was nothing to do.
There was nothing to say.

Until an elephant
heard a lion who
heard a pony who
heard a monkey
who heard a rabbit
who heard a snail say,
"I think I can. I think I can!"

Well I don't need to tell you what happened
for we all know what a powerful thing it is to believe in yourself, as indeed the snail believed!
And sometimes (and this was one of those times) a little help is enough help.

Together the big iron engine and the gentle little snail took that train up and over the mountain and into the valley.
Townspeople lined the tracks to greet and cheer the circus family! Parents and children and grandchildren and puppies and even the mayor.

"On with the show!", they shouted.

And a grand show it was! The finest show the big top had ever known.

(sweet dreams!)


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Family Portrait

From Pony Tails

Thank you, Audrey!
You are a creative 1st Grader.



Cootie Proboscis 

Note: You can click on the photo to see it enlarged.


You had to shake a 5 on the dice to get a proboscis (mouth),
but only if you already had a body and head!

The copyright is 1949, by Schaper Mfg. Co., Inc., Minneapolis 22, Minn.

They also made
Stadium Checkers!

'Loved that game even more.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Musical Inspiration Continued

Treble Clef Snails

I nearly overlooked this 
spiral in my world!

I was drawing a treble clef for some music I was
writing down and that's when I realized it.
I think my arm felt the motion of it at the same time my eye saw it happening.

It seems there are many combinations of doors leading to understanding, 
unique to each of us! 
I think moving a pencil must be one of mine.


FYI:  There's a lot to know about a treble clef! I couldn't remember what it was called so when I looked it up I learned a lot about why it looks the way it looks! 

And YES, there is a YouTube video that explains that!!
(Another door to understanding could be music!)

Ode To The Treble Clef -

(I don't think this is an active link. You may have to cut and paste . . .
or color and stamp and glitter and fold!!!)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spooky Spirals

Hair Snails

Eye Snails

Fun Holiday!!!
Best Candy: A Butterfinger Bar (Thanks, E.T.)
Most Fun: Popping Popcorn with Ben

@ @@@