Friday, June 29, 2012

Tucked Away

 Glass Snail on Green

Glass Snail on Pink

Carol, thank you for sharing from your tucked away treasures!
And for appreciating the amazing details 
to be found in the world.


Two Snail Questions:

1.  What is the carbon footprint of a snail?

2.  How many words can you make using just the following five letters?
     s   n   a   i   l   
     [I've discovered 24, counting plurals and Proper Nouns]


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shadow and Light

Wire Snails

The sun's rays
        come to play
ever so briefly upon our kitchen
late in these summer days! 

I'm dedicating part of this summer to coursework that informs my art teaching.
'Hoping to balance studies with a little snail time each week.

And to keep on movin'!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Twins Game

Thank you for a fun day of baseball, Brian and Megan! 

Parking Ramp Snail

Saturday, June 16, 2012


It's been an entire week since I posted, and it is good to be back!

School is out, the art room is totally packed and moved to the hallway so the custodial staff can hard work their great magic!!!

This week we also picked up our first CSA box at Loon Organics just West of Hutchinson. 

Beautiful! A box full of color and texture and line and pattern and form.
A Basil Plant, Baby Arugula, Turnips, Strawberries, Green Onions, Rainbow Chard, Boston Head Lettuce . . . AND . . . Garlic Scapes!

Garlic Scapes Trying To Be A Snail

Garlic Scapes Being Our Supper


Sunday, June 10, 2012

California Snails

Our youngest son lives in San Francisco. Snails are a natural part of the habitat!
These are among the photographs he took on a recent Saturday morning
on his way to the waves.

Thank you, Scott!

Running Path Snail

 A Closer Look

Amazing Snail

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Here It Is

This new little snail took a look-about from the first fence post yesterday!
Thank you, E!

Friday, June 8, 2012


As you view a post,
are you are able to click on the photo and see it 
in a larger format?

Taken on 6/8/12 by D.F. from


Photo Storage Update:

I did a little bit of research at my MacBook HELP tab and learned that as I reduce the size of the pictures on my posts, I regain some of that photo storage space!

Thanks for the tip, SS!

Victory Snail

Lonesome for Snails


I continue to be perplexed by my inability to include photos in these posts
. . . but here's an idea from SS:
My photos might well be high res/with huge numbers of pixels/gobbling up the storage space like Pac Man at an arcade!
I will check that out!


A new little snail mysteriously arrived in our front yard.
Cute little thing, there on the fence post.
And across the walkway, on the bench, a pile of three pink rocks!  
Hmmmm, is that a clue? CF, was it you?

I am sorry I have no photo to share.
Hope you can imagine these . . . or please stop over for a visit to see them for real!
[In the mean time, I will try to JazZ things up a bit with emoticons and color.]


I am looking forward to sharing photographs of
California Snails Along the Path to Saturday Morning Surfing.
Thank you, Scott! 

'Might actually be a good opportunity for me to answer the @ font question 
posed on May 5th:

" Which font in the world makes the BEST snail with its @ symbol? "

Yes, soon!

Unrelated Note:
As children, our Mom would celebrate the end of a school year by gifting us 
with a jar of pickles. The tradition continues!
This year's choice: 
Sweet Bread & Butter 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I was about to post some new photos when I was greeted with a message.
It seems I'm out of photo storage space!
Hmmm . . . I sense some tech learning about to happen!

'Catch you on the flippity-flip!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Older than the Hills

Day 73
Work with the gravel, sand, or rocks available near your home.

 Rock Snails
Yes, the Egg Salad Snail joined in! 
[Type Egg Salad into the Search Tool to revisit that April snail.]

If they could speak of the events that shaped their existence, what would we learn?
Minnesota has a rich geological history!

So now I'm thinking about a few rocks I brought home from a summer camping vacation in Whitewater State Park. We learned, from the park information,of a nearby opportunity to look for old rocks having been exposed with the cutting away of a hill to build a highway.

 400 million years ago southeast Minnesota was a shallow sea.
 This is fossil evidence.
Wait! Is that a snail?


Friday, June 1, 2012

Drawing with Salt

 Salted Snail

Thanks for sharing the idea, SH!

If you give this a try you may discover:

1. The process of using a small paint brush to move the grains of salt charges the brush. Voila! Static electricity! Pretty funny! Bits of paper work better.

2. Any slight bend in the background paper is lasting and limits the ways the salt can be positioned.

3. Touching the salt by hand slows it down, makes it somewhat larger and more transparent, different from the untouched salt.

4. Any slight bump to the paper does some version of an Etch-a-Sketch erase job!

I thought it would be a snap! 
I knew it would be FuN!!!! 

Check this out:  Portrait of The Joker in Salt

OR . . . 

The creation of a Tibetan Sand Mandala


Which Way is Left?

Day 96
Work in front of a mirror, looking only in the mirror as you work.

You Gotta Try This Yourself Snail

What FuN!

exercise provides 
healthy laughter and 
makes the brain more flexible. So good!